Thursday, March 5, 2009

This May Take Awhile...or not...

Wow! It's March 5th, I haven't posted anything in...21 days?! Dang. What have I been doing for 21 days...this may take awhile.

Lets see what I can remember...
As far as I can remember, nothing big happened until about a week after my last post. Then the fire happened at LCCC. That totally screwed everything up. It gave me an unexpected week off from classes, the idiot who caused the darn thing hasn't been brought up on charges for it yet: he's just in there for throwing urine on another inmate, escaping, and holding a standoff between himself and the police for 3 hours about a mile from where I'm sitting. I'm just hoping that the investigators don't tie him to one of the firefighters. That evening there was a city hall meeting about cutting firefighters?!

wow...this is one big picture..anyway...

Since that time 11 have been laid off. The last thing we need in one of the 15 largest cities in the entire state of Ohio is a HUGE conspiracy about such a thing. Also, WHY WOULD YOU LAY OFF 11 FIREFIGHTERS IN ONE OF THE 15 LARGEST CITIES IN THE STATE?! That makes no sense to me at all.

Physics has been a bore as usual. We JUST got done doing forces we've moved into circular motion, which is also boring.

Oh yeah, and I started trying to do my taxes last night. WHY DO THEY MAKE IT SO HARD?! No wonder people don't want to file have to be a rocket scientist to even understand the thing!

But somehow my mom and I both figured out that I don't owe any taxes...which makes no sense because I'm self employed, I should owe money. I have NO idea how that worked out.
I'm thinking about taking in my tax stuff to see if Mr. Gast could look at it or something...

That's all I've got for now. OH! Apologetix concert on Friday, and some old friends are coming to see them :D

Quote(s) of the day:

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.

-Albert Einstein- (so maybe not even rocket scientist can understand them either...)

"What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin."

-Mark Twain

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm sitting in the library at usual...doing absolutely nothing, though I could be hammering out my 2 papers that are due in a few weeks. What have I been doing all week...

Monday: I had school, updated my blog briefly, finished all of my work that was actually due Tuesday, and had a BLAST at softball practice. We pretty much ran non-stop the entire time. I was SOOOOOOO sore immediately afterwards. Then I went home, made breakfast for dinner, took a hot shower and went to bed.

Tuesday: I had my dad call me earlier to wake me up because it would take me a little bit longer to get used to moving than usual. My legs were SOOOOOOOOOO sore that I could hardly move. Then I went to school, limped around all day on my sore legs, went home, made dinner, which was very yummy, procrastinated, worked on homework eventually, and went to bed.

Wednesday: I woke up still sore, went about my usual routine, and went to class. When I was sitting in the library, I noticed a couple peers from my Physics class getting a Study Room and reviewing for the test that was today (Thursday). I helped them for about an hour and 15 minutes, then, ironically, got lectured on great philosophers and geniuses during Civ Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, I know I'm missing some. I then came back to the library looking for the same guys that I was helping. I found them, and the HOT Brazilian-German named Manny, and we went over the lab problem, which allowed me to catch my 20 billion mistakes that I had made. I then stayed another 2.5 hours helping the original 2 guys with more kinematics problems...which made me feel really good about myself. Afterwards, I went to Subway cuz I was famished. I went home, ate it, and reworked the lab problem yet again but this time figuring out x-component on a boulder on a cliff, I'm still not sure which one is right. And then I watched Jeopardy and Tom Hanks on Biography, followed by Will Smith. I was going to go in my room, but Top Chef came on...and I was intrigued by that of course.

Today: I took the Physics Test...from what I heard from other students, I was the only one to get the answer that makes sense...which is pretty freakin' sweet!!! I'm gonna go to International Studies, then probably get a Fruit Cup or something for lunch, then go to English and listen to my crazy, yet awesome, and then since I have "Web-blended" Arabic I don't have class today, so instead I'm gonna go get my Softball Physical, then go home, nap, do whatever I need to get ready for softball, and then head off to practice, almost die from exhaustion, go home, take a shower, crash, wash rinse and repeat. That was one LOOOOONG sentence...

I have more than one quote for today:

Two Outs, Bases Loaded, Tie Game, Bottom Of The Seventh, BRING IT.
-Author Unknown-

The point of the game is not how well the individual does but whether the team wins. That is the beautiful part of the game, the blending of personalities, the mutual sacrifices for group success. Even when you've played the game of your life, it's the feeling of teamwork that you'll remember. You'll forget the plays, the hits, and the scores, but you'll never forget your teammates.
-Author Unknown-

Monday, February 9, 2009

Short and Sweet

Sadly this is going to be a really short blog, I have an entire weekend plus of stuff to put here, but I have to make-up for my procrastination and write 89 sentences for Arabic due Tuesday, I have softball tonight so I'm probably not going to wasting time today, I have to read fro English for tomorrow, I have to study for an International Studies test tomorrow, I think that's it...?

Anyway...the quote...

"We went to lunch and were talking about procrastination and the waitress overheard us and she said, 'I have a problem with procrastination, too.' I said 'Really?... Get my sandwich.'"

Ellen DeGeneres

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trying not to Procrastinate

I think I'm gonna update every few days, and not every day like I had originally intended. I think I got as far as Monday last time...

Tuesday: I had class, as usual, nothing interesting really. Arabic was a blast because we actually started speaking it more...I now know how to say hello, goodbye, thank you, you're welcome, and Praise be to God...and by God I mean any God, not Allah, but ANY God...but I shall use it refering to my one God....just though I'd clear that mom threw a fit when I translated it for her. We were watching an old TV show called Rat Patrol, and they were in the desert in Africa somewhere, and they got into a scuffle with one, and when they let him go he said: 'al-Hamdu lillaahi' I translated it to be Praise be to God (even though when you google it, it comes out as Allah...not sure why, my book says God). I went home and popped a frozen pizza in the oven and had a salad. Then my mom came home, hilarities ensued, I did homework (shocker, i know), and then went to bed dreading the coming snow storm.

Wednesday: The huge snow storm came. About another foot of snow...I didn't go to school again because my brakes are really starting to act funny in the cold, and since the snow was the really fluffy stuff it was REALLY hard for me to stop. I'm lucky since I can watch my prof's lectures in the library at LCCC, so if I really missed something, I can just take the notes whenever. I stayed up until about 9:30, then went to take a nap but couldn't because my rats were going crazy. Somehow i managed to fall asleep and woke up around noon. I then proceded to *nom* some lunch, and chatted with arious people via Facebook or AIM. around 2:30 or so I went outside and shovelled the 4 inches of snow that had fallen since my mom shovelled that morning. I was WAY to warm while shovelling, I only had on about 4 or 5 layers. Then I started on homework again, my mom came home, we decided on dinner, made it, *nom* ed it, and then went our separate ways. She went to bed, I stayed up and did a combination of homework, chatting with Kali, laundry, changing my rats' cage, and probably a few other things. When I was doing my physics homeowrk last night I had a throwback to being a junior in high school again, and HAD to tell Secaur about it...sort of. It was some problem about a car going up a ramp at an angle of 7degrees above horizontal at a velocity of 24m/s, and the driver ran out of gas...I needed to figure out how far up the ramp the car would go until it started going back down. So I drew my little sombrero car and figured out the problem. Then I tried to go to sleep, but my rats kept me up again...I don't think I clocked out until after 12:30.

Today: I was on time for class, and I'm waiting for Inernational Studies to come along at 11:00. It's not going to be a lot of fun since Jessica Prowant had her wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday, and she probably won't be here to amuse me, or give her opinion on certain topics. I think we have a test on Tuesday...or is it Thursday?...either way, we have a test coming up and I need to be a good friend and keep her informed. I just can't wait until March, when she hopefully goes to England...our English prof is showing the amazing Reduced Shakespeare Company in her class, but not in mine, so I'm going to be a very good friend for her and take 'notes' then too. Right now I have the sun glaring in my eyes...very uncomfortable.

uh...I lost my train of thought...anyway...I'm listening to the RENT Reunion performance on YouTube...I love it. I'm going to start my English paper this weekend, along with the 2 other papers I have due coming up. I'm going to try and get a headstart on them to make my life a LOT easier. Maybe I'll get into a good rhythm so that when April rolls along I'll be able to get all of my papers done, my tests studied for, and be able to go to that Conference Championship Tournament.

Did I forget to mention that SOFTBALL PRACTICE STARTS MONDAY!!!!!!!! I'm a little excited...

The quote of the day: I'm in a Doctor Who mood today, so here's a quote from "Time Crash"

Tenth Doctor: [offers the Fifth Doctor his sonic screwdriver] Need this?

Fifth Doctor: [trying to fix the TARDIS] No, I'm fine.

Tenth Doctor: Oh no... of course... you mostly went hands-free, didn't you? Like "Hey, I'm the Doctor! I can save the universe with a kettle and some string and look at me! I'm wearing a vegetable!"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Laziness Prevailed Yet Again

I've been so lazy this weekend that I haven't been updating my blog...sorry. Well, here's the scoop:

Friday: I woke up super late at 6:30...sounds like an oxymoron...i know. So that caused me to run late the rest of the day. I was about 20 minutes late to lab...but I got to work with this GORGEOUS Brazilian kid from Germany (his mother is Brazilian, father is German, he grew up in Deutschland)...lab was actually exciting for once. I learned in lab that I hate motion sensor thingy that we have for the computer. Every lab I have the urge to steal one of the lab tops we work with. I finished lab just in time for Civilizations 2...which was hilarious as usual. My prof was in the role playing mood a little too much then...he pretended to act out a scene between a Jesuit, the Pope, and some bishopy guys...hilarity ensued...I have it on my recorder if anyone is interested XD. Lets see...after classes...I went to Subway for the first time in a while and got my usual yumminess...foot long oven roasted chicken breast on Honey Oat, tomato, cucumber, spinach, onion, lots o' pickle, mayonnaise and I'm hungry. I checked mail, and I got a letter from LCCC telling me that I had $4,481.00 of Pell Grant money coming to me *happy dances*. I'm probably going to put $281 into my checking account, and then put the other $4,200 into my savings for Hocking, which I'm having very pleasant dreams about. Anyway...I did absolutely nothing even though I had an assignment that was due that day in class that I didn't do (more on that later). I watched Numb3rs, then the first hour of Catch Me If You Can, which caused me to miss Criminal Minds *tear*.

Saturday: I woke up REALLY late and delivered newspapers...I got done around 9:15 when I should have been done by 8...whoops. My mom went to work...I took a nap...woke up around 4:00 I think...then think got really boring. I played with my rats for awhile. Then I scrambled to pull something out of my butt for the aforementioned (BIG WORD!!! YAY ME!!!) Civ assignment that was due that Friday. My prof takes off a letter grade for each day that something is late...and he checks his e-mail last at 9:00pm. I read, wrote, and e-mailed all in about 45 minutes, while helping Kali with her issue of the evening. Then I read some more and went to bed.

Sunday: I got up pretty early for a Sunday. I delivered newspapers, then went to church. I met with my pastor to try and drum up ideas for outreach stuff to do at the college since we're RIGHT ACROSS THE FREAKIN' STREET. I pretty much told him that there's nothing to do really, since every one's schedules are different. I did give the idea to get in touch with Campus Crusade for pastor does these e-mail devotionals every day or week or so (called e-votionals). I shall now use this time for a pitch for my church...On March 6th, 2009 my church is hosting The Apologetix...for those of you who don't know who they are, they're the Christian version of Weird Al Yankovic...parodying pop songs and adding a Christian twist...I enjoy them a lot. I had put my contacts in before church, and they were bugging me all day. So after church I went home and took out my contacts. I then went over to my grandma's for lunch...we had soup and was very yummeh. Then we played 3-handed Pinochle...please don't ask me to's kind of difficult...of course I lost to the 2 seasoned veterans, but who cares. Then we ate chocolate pudding pie (yummeh x infinity). At that point my mom left to go home...I stayed at my grandma's and watched the Cavs pull a win out of their hat...and then left. When I got home, I hopped on my computer...Kali was helping someone with Music I played with my rats and called my dad. Then the Super Bowl was on...I kind of ignored it until the last 3 minutes or so giving Kali the play-by-play. 1) Holmes's foot was not inbounds and 2) Warner's arm was in forward motion making the fumble an incomplete pass...stupid refs.

Today: I woke up, delivered papers, was on time for Physics where we did a Physics problem concerning free fall and stuff...child's play I say. It was super easy...but I had to show ALL of my work, so it took me twice as long to do because he was checking our progress and he made me go back and explain how I got my I used all my large Physics words that Secaur drilled into my brain over the course of 2 years, thoroughly impressed my prof again, still hoping he doesn't know that I took AP Physics my senior year (hahahahahahahaha), and here I sit. I enjoyed a conversation with Mrs., Sheila, where she told me that one of her friend's husbands OWNS...he OWNS Chelsea Market in New York (OMG OMG OMG OMG) I'm sitting in the library as usual, typing an extremely long blog while being bored out of my mind.

I've successfully wasted an hour so far...only one more to go.

I almost forgot about my quote:

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
—The Emperor of China; Mulan

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hey! It's Beginning to Snow!

I didn't blog yesterday for multiple reasons:
1. It was snowing...nonstop...for over 12 hours at least.
2. I had to shovel that snow
3. I was ticked that I 'officially' had Physics yesterday at 8am, but LC canceled the afternoon classes...idiots
4. I was just feeling lazy, and I took naps throughout the day

Let me elaborate on reason 3 for a few minutes. Were the conditions better at 12 than at 8? There was probably an additional 3 or 4 inches of snow at 12, but still, the roads SUCKED no matter what time of the day it was. Did they get enough people complaining about having class that they just decided to cancel? WHAT THE HECK WERE THEY THINKING HAVING CLASS AT 8AM IN THE MORNING?!?! It makes no sense...I wonder how any lawsuits they could have on their hands for students getting in car accidents on their way to school...*ponders*.

I was pleasantly surprised that my 11am class was canceled. My poor professor lives out in the Lakeland area. That would be awful to drive so far in that nastiness.

What else is there to rant about...?

!!!More snow stuff!!! OK, does it make sense for 2 people with snow blowers, living on opposite sides from my house, to snow blow the sidewalk, but once they get to my driveway, they don't "connect the lines" of what they snow blew separately? I was outside shoveling for 2 HOURS, and the idiots with snow blowers waited until AFTER I had shoveled to do anything themselves. Now is the time to give shout out to "Jim from down the street" who snow blowed what I hadn't shoveled the first time, and also to the people who helped my 81 year old grandma clean everything off her driveway and side walks. It looks like good neighbors aren't all gone.

Let's see...anything else? Willy Wonka makes everything better, and IMDB makes it more interesting. Seeing various wires, learning that none of the actors besides Veruca Salt has acted after Willy Wonka, some of the scenes took 40 or 50 takes, the somersault was the only thing that had to be in the contract for Gene Wilder to do the part, and the Third Doctor from Doctor Who was the #1 choice for the part of Willy Wonka but was too busy fighting rogue aliens on Doctor Who.

I'm just gonna go suffer through class the rest of the day dreading the drive home.

"No Room At The Holiday Inn - Oh No/And It's Beginning To Snow" - from RENT "Christmas Bells are Ringing"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Procrastination Sucks...some of the time

As I've already stated in previous posts, I'm writing this in the library at college between classes.

I tried my best to not procrastinate so far this semester...but I've already failed at that. I let stuff build up and now I didn't get my Arabic homework done. Oh well, the professor loves me, so I should be able to get off this time. I was gonna work on my Civilizations assignment that requires reading from the book, which I don't have. The library has most of the textbooks required for classes able to be checked out in two hour blocks. The assignment is about Christopher Columbus...and the assigned reading for the week is about China, Korea, and Japan, and mentions NOTHING of Columbus. I'm gonna have to wing it...again.

Anyway, back to procrastination. I had a whole weekend where I did nothing that I should have. I at least read all of my English so my crazy but amazing professor won't hate me. Probably the 5 most boring hours of my life...nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, clauses, phrases, comma splices, sentence fragments, present participles, gerunds...just to name a few. What else did I do...Physics homework of course: reading a chapter and some online assignments, uh...I blew off International Studies again-I need to read 2 "Issues," aka Chapters, and a recommended reading from the 07-08 U.S. Foreign Policy, I blew off Arabic the worst though-6 Drills, 50 sentences, and at least 30 vocab words to memorize for a quiz today.

Remember kids, procrastination is wrong...JUST SAY NO!!!

I'm really gonna need to plan out April when it comes to assignments. In the last week, I have 4 papers, 3 tests, and the Conference Championship Tournament that weekend...not fun.

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. ~Don Marquis

Well, this one was short...I might write again later...but I can't think of anything else right now.